coated steel pipes, also known as plastic-coated pipes, steel-plastic composite pipes, and plastic-coated composite steel pipes, are based on steel pipes. A layer of plastic anti-corrosion layer or plastic anti-corrosion layer is fused to the inner surface of the steel pipe (bottom pipe) through spraying, rolling, dipping, and suction processes. A steel-plastic composite steel pipe with a plastic anti-corrosion layer fused to the inner and outer surfaces.
Steel plastic composite pipe is a galvanized internal plastic-coated composite steel pipe for water supply made by pre-treatment, preheating, internal coating, leveling, and post-processing. It is an upgraded product of traditional galvanized pipe. Usually, a threaded connection is used. There are many classifications of steel-plastic composite pipes, which can be classified according to the structure of the pipe into steel-strip-reinforced steel-plastic composite pipes, seamless steel pipe-reinforced steel-plastic composite pipes, perforated steel-strip steel-plastic composite pipes and steel-mesh skeleton steel-plastic composite pipes.
Difference: Internal and external plastic-coated steel pipes have the advantages of steel pipes such as high strength, easy connection, and resistance to water flow impact. They also overcome the shortcomings of steel pipes which are easy to corrode, pollute, and scale when exposed to water, and plastic pipes have low strength and poor fire-fighting performance. The design life is long. Up to 50 years. The main disadvantage is that bending is not allowed during installation. During thermal processing, electric welding, and cutting, the cutting surface should be painted with the non-toxic room-temperature curing glue provided by the manufacturer to repair the damaged area.
The steel-plastic composite pipe has an oxygen barrier effect and can be directly used in drinking water projects. Its inner and outer layers are made of plastic and have very good corrosion resistance. Such excellent performance makes steel-plastic composite pipes widely used. Such pipes can be seen in various fields such as oil and natural gas transportation, industrial and mining pipes, drinking water pipes, drainage pipes, etc.